The Jamaica Patriotic Movement strongly condemn the terrorist act against the Cuban Embassy in the U.S.

Sep 26, 2023

The Jamaica Patriotic Movement strongly condemn the terrorist act against the Cuban Embassy in the U.S.

On behalf of our revolutionary movement, The Jamaica Patriotic Movement, we strongly condemn the terrorist act against our sister nation, Cuba. Since the Cuban revolution headed by the late comandante Fidel Castro, the island has experienced the full wrath of the United States and its allies because of their attempt to fulfill the ideals of their national hero, Jose Marti,  the desire to be sovereign and be free. Cuba has the backing and support of 99% of the United Nations General Assembly members against the criminal blockade imposed by the United States!!  Cuba has the distinction of being the only country within the Latin American and Caribbean region that created their own vaccine and offered to share with poor countries free of charge. They, under 60+ years of embargo, have provided free health care, free education, and affordable housing to its people. Cuba has offered health care to less developed countries and has lobbied consistently for the elimination of nuclear weapons and the eradication of poverty. Under the Trump administration, they added Cuba to the list of sponsors of terrorism along with an additional 200+ restrictions on their ability to trade with other nations. The United States has continued to exercise its imperial power to commit acts or allow acts on its soil against the Cuban people, this must end!!  Biden promised a new arrangement before he became president but is following the path of the trump doctrine, letting the Cuban people choose their path of development will benefit both nations' trade and people-to-people relations.
